Saturday, February 23, 2008

Actually Using Wix

My last posts have discussed the many issues that I've had with installing the Wix toolset. This post will instead discuss the power and flexability that the toolset has to offer. Not only was I quickly able to create a .msi file using a small script but I actually understood a lot of what was going on.

The Wix toolset uses xml to bundle files, shortcuts, and registry entrys into a .msi file. The thing that really seemed powerful to me is the fact that you can quite simply just add lines to your script that instruct the script to include more files. Its actually quite basic, and that really is important to entry-level developers such as myself.

There are however some problems with this setup. By adding a line or two you can include a file into your .msi but what if your .msi consists of thousands of files? It would take an extensive amount of time to build a .msi line by line for a massive .msi file.

All things considered, I'm very impressed with the Wix toolset. Its easy to use and its very powerful. To read more check out my posts on the DPS911 wiki:

Under my build 0.3 section there is a link to my Wix script and the .msi that resulted from it.

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